Posts tagged Nutrition
Back to school! Back to Healthy Meal Prepping!

Like adults, it's crucial for kids to get the right nutrients!


From the minute they wake up they are extremely active, so we need to feed them with the right fiber, fats, and nutrients. A rule of thumb is: Offer your kids at least 1 - 2 serving of berries/fruit each day, 2 - 4 servings of vegetables, a good quality whole grain bread, try to avoid wheat though. Use a good quality meat mostly from free-range or grass-fed animals, and eliminate or at least limit soft drinks, all kinds! Remember if you don't introduce it to your kids, they don't get the craving!  Most importantly, eat most meals together as a family.  I usually don't recommend milk, but if you have to, use grass-fed full fat. Basically, dairy milk is for calves only! Best thing is to use plant-based milk instead.

Did you know that more than 12 million children in the US are obese? That’s one out of 6! Read the article here. Junk food and lack of exercise is the typical cause. These children have an increased risk of developing all the known lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. The last two are also known risk factors for heart disease.
Furthermore, obese children are more likely to be bullied, which increases the risk of depression!

Is this really what we want for our kids just because we don’t have time to buy or prepare whole food for them?

I teach something I call #SevenHealthHacks. These hacks are meant to incorporate into your daily routine, to make the road to optimal health for you and your family a lot easier. The hacks are: FOOD,  SLEEP,  WATER,  EXERCISE,  FRESH AIR,  SILENCE, and GRATITUDE


By eating whole food, and making better choices when you eat out, you’ll get so many benefits.  Not only weight wise, but also for the whole family.  Your kids will be able to sit still in school and actually learn much more. They will be happier and more active.


Let your kids sleep in a dark room, no light at all. Not even from an alarm clock or TV.
If they have electrical devices, have them turn it off at least 2 hours before bedtime.


Make a check-off chart on the fridge for every family member and have them check off every time they fill their water bottle. Set a goal with everyone on how much they should drink every day.


Figure out what type of exercise your kids would love to do, and support them in getting it done every day! When possible, let them bike to school or when they visit a friend.
You don’t really do them a favor by driving them all the time! But make sure you teach them traffic safety.

In Denmark, we have a day at school every year where everybody brings their bikes. The police are there all day teaching us how to behave in traffic, what hand signals to use, along with checking if our bikes are safely equipped with lights, brakes etc. It’s a fun activity! Most kids ride their bike to school in Denmark if its less than 5 miles.


Make sure your kids are outside playing at least 30 minutes every day. If it rains, put on rain gear. If it snows, snow pants, warm jacket, hat, gloves and boots, and in summer, well then you really don’t need much!

American children (as well as adults for that matter) are so used to being at 68 to 70 degrees year round, that their bodies cannot adjust to different temperatures. Furthermore, all the air-conditioning weakens your immune system too! So, turn it off, and let your body work the way it is perfectly designed to.


Teach them to sit down and relax for 15-20 minutes every day. Either to some soft music or just in total silence.


This one I love! Have everyone sit down before bedtime and write down at least 5 things you are grateful for today.

Prepare the week, by making batches of fruit and veggies for lunch and snack, so it's easy to grab on the go. Find a great place like LeJuicery where you can get healthy foods and drinks for takeout. That way you provide your kids with whole food instead of junk. Processed and packaged kids' meals are often high in the wrong fat, calories, sugar, and salt. Chicken kabobs are always a hit among kids, fruit kabobs are also a fun way to help them choose healthy snacks.

For breakfast, you can prepare smoothie bags for the whole week. Grab a bag, add a plant milk and blend for 1- 2 minutes, and a healthy colorful breakfast is ready. Or, you can do Oatmeal in a jar if they like that. Get more inspiration here

If you just want it easy, just call us in advance (262) 842-5337 and place your order for a healthy breakfast, we've got you. Check out the menu here.

Having a healthy eating plan will help move your kids away from wanting to eat chicken nuggets and french fries at every meal. For water intake, let the kids help flavor their own bottles with the fruit or herbs they like.

As you and your kids learn to make healthy choices and begin eating better, you will experience fewer outbursts from the kids, or yourself for that matter! The result is, everything gets a lot easier, and before you know it, making healthy choices will become your new normal.

Why Wheat Grass?
fresh weat grass.JPG

I love to share tips about Health and Wellness, and especially how we can improve our health with seven simple health hacks.
Food is one of them. 

You have probably heard about Superfood!
Superfood is simply food with a high amount of important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and Chlorophyll. And what is more inviting that the pure fresh green color of a Wheat Grass shot.

Wheat Grass is a Superfood. It's an amazing source of vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin A,C and E. But also Magnesium, Calcium, Iron and Amino acids. There is 21 Amino Acids, where off 9 is essential to your body. In Wheat Grass you find 17 of the 21 Amino Acids, and 8 of the 9 essential. Thats very powerful. By the way; essential means your body can't produce them, so you need them from foods.

Wheat Grass It is also very alkaline, which means that it contributes to a stabilization of your pH balance. Today most people have an acidic overload in their body, which is known to cause different negative issues. However the many Alkaline minerals in Wheat Grass, helps regulating the pH balance, so oxygen gets to your tissues faster, and the enzymes stays active. That helps some of the important functions in your body, such as absorb nutrients, repair tissue, detox waist and maintain your immune system. 

Another very powerful nutrient in Wheat Grass is Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll makes the green color, and it is also the power house of the plant. As a Superfood Wheat Grass contains more Chlorophyll than any other vegetable (about 7.5 times more than Broccoli). Chlorophyll  is known to help get more oxygen to the blood as well as increase the count of red blood cells. Other benefits can be increased energy, wellbeing and vitality. 
Wheat Grass juice is also used for detox, because it supports the liver with it's extreme high content of Chlorophyll, fibers and sulphates. known to help reduce fatigue

Having a shot of Wheat Grass on a regular basis, will be highly appreciated by your entire body.
We have more than 37 trillion cells in our body, and they all require different nutrients for optimal function. Read more about these little engines here